Individual Review

First Few Weeks

The first few weeks of this trimester were spent working on a CPT warmup project that needed to involve binary an RGB. For this project I made a Ascii image generator. My team made other features that also had to do with RGB and binary, such as the image RGB adjustor, or the Text to color converter.

College Board Reveiw (2020 MC)

After the project had been compleated, we were tasked to compleate the practice MC on college board, and right a review and do corrections for questions that were incorrect. I got a 55/67 on the test and Mr. Mort gave me a 1.85/2 on my review.

Team Teaches

Throught all of this trimester, we have been having student lesson on college board topic that dont really have alot to do with code, but are still important. The team teaches are all in the hacks section of my timebox. After we had compleated all the team teaches and the homeworks, I created a table for all of my homework scores and my median score. This was presented to Mr. Mort in a quick individual reveiw. We also made our own team teach on Routing and Computing


These are my Commits and Anylitics for the year so far. I mostly commited on our team repositorys more than my personal blog.

Upcoming CPT project

Our group came up with many ideas during our brainstorm. One of them is a clothing/fasion site that would allow to to find different types of clothings and their prices. This has alot of functionality but it might be hard to implement. Our other idea was to create some sort of fanticy sports site, that lets a user see stats and upcoming games for their favorite athleates. I am passionate about both of these idea since I really enjoy fasion and watching sport games. One other idea that we had and that I wanted to ask a question to Mr. Mort about was if a project on a video game would be a good idea, since I remeber him say to be carful about what topics you choose.