Ashwins Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - WK0 Plans
1 - WK1 Plans
- Snake Game
- Calculator
- Week 1 Discussion
2 - WK2 Plans
- Game of Life
- Pac Man Game
- Week 2 Discussion
3 - WK3 Plans
- Python Quiz
- Favorite Soccer Players
- Youtube Player
- Music Player
- Recipie Finder
- Binary CPT Project Review Ticket

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Week 4 Plans
- Flask
- Team Test
- Week 4 Review
5 - Week 5 Plans
- Web Programming Basics
- Week 5 Review
6 - Week 6 Plans
- Data Abstraction
- Algorithms
- Week 6 Review
7 - Week 7 Plans
- Developing Procedures
- Javascript Object
- Developing Algoritms
- Libraries
- Week 7 Review

Unit3: Work On Project

Learn how to work on frontend and backend

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
8 - Agile Manifesto
- Plan for Frontend, Backend, Deployment, and Ideation
- Boolean If
- Iteration in Python
- Lists
- Complete Team Teach Notes and Thoughts
- Project Review 1
9 - Pokemon Search
- Project Review 2
10 - Plan for the rest of Trimester
- Personal Code and Key Commits
- Project Review 3
- CollegeBoard Practice MC Reflection
- Pseudo Code Reflection
11 - Extra Credit Team Teach Reviews
- Passion Project Reflection
- Trimester 1 CSP Reflection
12 - Plan Week 12
- 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects Team Teach
- 5.4 Crowdsourcing
- 3.8 Undecided Problems Team Teach
- 2020 College Board MC Reveiw

Unit4: CPT Warm-up

Start of Second Tri

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
13 - Plan Week 13
- Digital Divide Team Teach
- The Internet
- 5.3 Computing Bias Lesson
- 5.5 Legal and Ethical
14 - Plan Week 14
- P2 | 5.6 - Safe Computing
15 - P2 | SASS
- Individual Review

Unit5: CPT Project

End of Second Tri

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
18 - P2 | Python/Flask
- User Profile Lesson
19 - Plans Wk 19
- Login
- Sign-Up
- Login/Signup
20 - Plans Wk 20
- Javascript Login and Signup Pages Team Teach
- Jinja 2 Lesson
- N@TM Blog
21 - Plans Wk 21
22 - Plans Wk 22
24 - Ashwins CPT Individual Review

Unit6: CPT Project (Cont.)

Start of 3rd Tri

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
25 - Ashwins 3rd Tri Seed
26 - MCQ 2020 Frequently Missed Questions
- 2021 MCQ Reflection
27 - Machine Learning Review
- Deployment Review
28 - Data Structure Write-Up