Relfection on Glows:

  • Team: I felt our demo was informative and interesting, since we would ask people how much they knew about computer science, before we conducted our demo. This made it so we always understood our audience, and catered to their level of understanding. Our team had alot of features, since we had 5 people in our team and we had a full login system, which included deleting and editing users. This could have made our demo very lengthy but I think we kept it a short aspossible, while still making a compleate presentation. All of our features worked without flaws while we were doing our demo, and everyone could pitch in with their feature seamlessly since we were pretty integrated. We also showed up 15 minutes early, so we were all prepaired and ready to present.
  • Individual: Individualy I felt very comferable explaining my feature and the code in the frontend and backend. I had a major role in the login system, with the admin/user roles, so I would demo how a user would have a different experience depending on their role. I also created the way to veiw our database in the frontend, that allows users to veiw the other users and their roles. My feature the chest open, along with the saved collection, would always amaze the people we presented to, so I made me feel good that my hard work payed off.

    Reflection of Grows:

  • Team: As a team I feel we could have used better planing, since although in the end we had 5 fully functioning features, we had a hard time deciding what each one of us were doing. This made things a little last minute and caused some stress. I also think that the navigation of our project was pretty poor. We had some slopy frontend on some pages which might confuse users. Also, I think a homepage besides the timebox would’ve benefitted us aswell as instructions on the actual features. I also feel that some members in our group were not putting as much effort as the rest. I fell like we could have pushed each other to be better.
  • Individual: My feature was pretty in depth code wise, but it might not seem like it just looking at it. I should have addeds ome more visual representation to explain exactly what is going on with my code. I also felt I could have gotten myself a little more familiar with some of my group members projects, regardless of the fact that they were quite last minute. I found myself struggling to follow the code for some of my groupmates projects.


    Some feedback I recieved/noticed was especially for the people vieiwing the project that were not kids, had no idea of what clash royale was. I was able to explain briefly what the game was, but they had very little understanding truly. I think a page that just explains what Clash Royale is in depth, is required. I also recieved feedback from one of the user’s that the decks and card collection really dont serve a deeper purpose. I think it would’ve been cool to have some sort of a game related to Clash Royal. Lastly, one person sugested the idea of being able to trade cards between 2 users collections. This seemed very facinating to me but I dont know how exactly I would be able to implement it. I will also be adding a central navigation page, that will have auser friendlt display with all our features.

    Photos from experience

Vance Description of Image Bhargav interactions Description of Image Saathvik with deck Description of Image Dante Aidan Lau teach Description of Image Teaching some Adults who understood code (Including my dad) Description of Image Me showing saathvik our backend database, being updated with cards. Description of Image Peyton with deck Description of Image Saathvik with deck Description of Image


After we finished our review I took the time to go look around the class at other projects that were after/during our time. The main projects I looked at were Saathvik’s, Torin’s, and Aidan Lau’s from Mr. Lopez. Saathvik had a very cool project regarding real estate with a database with information about houses and teh ability to favorite house and locate house near you. Torin’s project was very informational, but I especially liked the stock feature. I believe he had it where you can look up a stock and it gives you an in depth analysis of each stock. This could be very useful for people genuinly interested in stocks. I was very impressed with his live crypto buing feature. Laslty, I viewed Aidan’s job finder project. It inlvoves you registering for an account and it finds jobs available near you. Also, they added a feature where they will respond to you based on your application.

Outside of CSP

Out side of CSP, I walked around with some of my group members, and saw some of the 3d Animation projects. Aiden Lau showed my what he had been working on and It seemed pretty interesting. Afterwords I went to the ceramics room to see my friends progects. He had created a colorfull plate, and a mug that looked like a tree trunk. I am really considering taking ceramics next year, since all of the projects looked so coll, and fun to build. Apart from that, I didn’t venture outside of the CSP area.