Plan For Quiz

For this quiz, in order to prepare, I plan on reviewing each of the team teaches(accesible through my student each blog page) and read/go through them to solodify my understading on each one. Then, if I still have questions, I will go to college board and watch the vieos for better support. I will go through the quiz and write down the questions I needed help on and write a sentence or two on why is was difficult and what I learned from it. Sort of like a quick reflection on each of the problems I couldn’t do.

Things I had to look up

IPv4 vs IPv6 Citizen Science Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

All of these are terms I was unfamiliear with, but after a quick google search, I now understand them.


I recived a 62/66 on the quiz, which I feel is pretty good. 3 of the quetions I got wrong were on Pseudo Code, so I felt It would be beneficial to review on Pseudo Code along with IPv4 adressing,

Things to Review:

  1. Pseudo Code
  2. IPv4 vs IPv6 Adressing

Psuedo Code

pseudo code


  • Pseudocode: Pseudocode is a way to represent an algorithm using a mix of natural language and simplified programming constructs. It’s used to describe the logic of a program without writing full code.
  • Variables: Variables can be declared using simple names, and their values can be assigned and manipulated within pseudocode.
  • Loops: Pseudocode allows the description of loops and repetitions, such as “REPEAT UNTIL” and “REPEAT n TIMES,” to control program flow.
    IF condition THEN
        // Code block
    END IF
FUNCTION calculateSum(a, b)
    // Code code code
DECLARE list[]
ADD item TO list
FOR EACH item IN list
    // Code code code

IPv4 vs IPv6

Address Format: IPv4 addresses are 32-bit numerical labels represented in the decimal form Address Space: IPv4 provides approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses. IPv4 was created when the internet was still relitivly new. In 1980 to create a way to identify all devices on the internet IPv4 was created.

Address Format: IPv6 addresses are 128-bit alphanumeric labels represented in hexadecimal format Address Space: IPv6 provides an immensely larger address space, offering approximately 340 undecillion unique addresses. In the late 90’s when the internet was much bigger, all the IPv4 adresses had run out, so IPv6, was created. It is much larger, and can hold enough IPs for a very long time.